Autobiography please

In 2011 I first listened to ‘Weekends with Terrie Q Sayre’ and my first phone, my second call was 2012 and I started to regularly call in 2013.  My plan with the blog is to start blogging as much as possible about the calls I have made and the “things I should have said…” catching up to real-time as quickly as possible.

There are lots of reasons delaying my plans: priority is my son (where do I start?), all the little things I need to do in life but too boring to discuss.

I don’t actually listen to the live broadcast of ‘Weekends with Terrie Q. Sayre’ due to the 16 hour time difference March – October then 18 hours the rest of the year.  Listening to the podcasts I want to tell Maxine and Terrie – please record your life for posterity.  Although you are both from different eras you have both led interesting lives. You are both have vibrant personalities that are positive. I don’t mean an eternal optimist but each has faced adversity at sometime, you appear to have dealt with it and moved on after brushing yourself off.

There is a big push in Australia to create positive female role models for girls but as a mother of a son we all need to hear about strong people to learn that life is not always perfect but how we react when faced with any sort of challenge.

Auburn is in the geographic middle of Sydney. The residents are from many cultural backgrounds. The Gallipoli Mosque represents to me all that is good about Australia.  Auburn is worth visiting for the variety of food available.

Auburn Library had a Living Library programme where people would offer to tell their story one-on-one with a borrower.  Imagine if Terrie and Maxine were the living book?  If only Albuquerque was a Sydney suburb, I’d be listening. Releases 2010/19th October 2009 – Auburn Living Library.pdf